Events for this month that are not associated with a specific day:
Belzimere (1868)
Jennie (1864)
Mary (1866)
Rebecca (1872)
Serena (1836)
Abbott, Amos F. (1851)
Alden, Stephen Douglas (1863)
Aubertin, Adele (1862)
Barrett, Harriett Maria (1862)
Bassett, Mary Helen (1879)
Bernard, Alma Jane (1891)
Bishop, Oscar (1863)
Bisson, Florida (1876)
Bisson, Frank 'Francois' Xav... (1845)
Bisson, Olivine 'Olive' (1880)
Blaisdell, Charles R. (1879)
Bolduc, John J. (1872)
Boulette, Peter 'Pierre' M. (1879)
Bowman, Henry Augustus (1847)
Bradford, Charles W. (1844)
Bragg, Elizabeth 'Lizzie' M. (1855)
Breton, Ella M. Butler or (1875)
Breton, John (1872)
Brown, Luke R. (1869)
Bushey, Leonie M. Eleonore '... (1890)
Butler, Marguerite (1895)
Carey, George Zeri 'Peter' B... (1875)
Chalmers, Charles A. (1840)
Champine, Esther (1882)
Clukey, Napoleon 'Peter N.' ... (1859)
Coburn, Edward L. (1863)
Cohn, James (1874)
Cotton, John E. (1850)
Crommett, Charlotte Augusta (1838)
Crosby, Caroline Arye (1845)
Daggett, Christine M. (1890)
Darveau, Joseph Wilfred Abra... (1900)
Doyon, Eugenie Virginie 'Ann... (1855)
Doyon, George (1852)
Drew, Eliza M. (1869)
Elder, Marjorie (1881)
Farrington, Emily F. (1886)
Fitch, Michael Henry (1837)
Flagg, Nettie (1874)
Folger, Mary E. (1848)
Fortier, Elmire or Almede (1870)
Garand, Emily or Emelie (1876)
Garand, Ferdinand 'Patrick F... (1864)
Gaudreau, Joseph (1850)
Gerald, Ella (1855)
Gibbs, Lillian M. (1864)
Gibbs, Sylvia J. (1839)
Giroux, Joseph 'Gaspard' (1840)
Goodrich, Fred (1881)
Gurney, John (1868)
Harvey, Catherine A. (1867)
Haskell, Hellen Augusta (1883)
Hebert, Victorie (1890)
Hill, Charles A. (1840)
Hoar, Catherine 'Bridget' (1828)
Hodges, Mary Jane (1845)
Holmes, Charles (1898)
Houle, Dominique 'Dominic' (1878)
Hubbard, Martha P. (1845)
Hurd, Thomas 'Damase' Huard ... (1855)
Ivers, Mary 'Mamie' Amelia (1887)
Jenness, Joseph E. (1899)
Jenney, James E. (1845)
Jobin, Caroline (1881)
Johnson, Charles G. (1863)
Joler, Augustin 'Augustus' G... (1873)
Kennison, Alpha or Alford Mo... (1848)
Kingston, Etta M. (1877)
Knight, Ruby T. (1826)
Knox, Alice (1873)
Krutzky, Norbert (1863)
Labbe, John 'Jean Baptiste' (1858)
Labbe, Joseph L. (1856)
Labranche, Joseph (1877)
Lacasse, Marie (1853)
Lachance, Alfred 'Fred' (1882)
Lachance, John Louis B. Lash... (1851)
Laflamme, Louis (1859)
Langlois, Narcisse 'Nelson' (1868)
Lashus, George B. (1863)
Latulippe, Joseph (1858)
Lavoie, Louis (1870)
Leathers, Louie B. (1883)
Lessard, Elizabeth 'Lizzie' (1852)
Levine, Samuel Jacob 'Sam' (1879)
Libby, Marie Labbe or (1860)
Lindsay, Robert Burton (1871)
Loubier, Evelina Emelie M. (1897)
Loubier, Peter 'Pierre' (1872)
Maheu, Alvina (1861)
Maheu, Marie 'Andrea' (1896)
Martin, George (1857)
Michaud, Laura J. (1898)
Morrill, Ella F. (1856)
Murphy, Elizabeth 'Lizzie' A... (1866)
Murray, Cornelia (1883)
Nadeau, Georgiana (1883)
Nadeau, Zelie-Celina 'Celie' (1852)
Nason, Katherine 'Katie' Mae (1890)
Nelligan, John Joseph (1853)
Nichols, Henry L. (1865)
Osborn, Flora L. Molly (1860)
Parker, Augustus H. (1850)
Pelotte, Peter (1862)
Penney, Arthur B. (1868)
Perkins, Addie L. (1864)
Perry, Marie Quirion or (1835)
Peters, David E. (1860)
Picard, Gracieus 'Grace' (1887)
Pooler, Celina 'Lena' M. (1873)
Pooler, Hazel A. (1897)
Poulin, Joseph (1840)
Poulin, Leo J. (1890)
Poulin, Marie (1865)
Pratt, Sarah H. (1877)
Proctor, Lottie Mae (1892)
Pullen, Fred Seldon (1858)
Rancourt, Charles (1865)
Rancourt, David Francois 'Fr... (1844)
Rancourt, William (1875)
Reny, Abraham B. (1860)
Richards, Lizzie (1891)
Roberge, Frank 'Francois' A. (1868)
Rodrigue, George (1896)
Rogers, Ada (1855)
Rosenthal, Mamie (1897)
Rouillard, Ernest (1886)
Roy, Azilda (1890)
Roy, Eulalie (1888)
Roy, Joseph (1852)
Roy, Lenora (1888)
Sawyer, Mabel G. (1883)
Smiley, Ella May (1886)
Smiley, Euda Bertha (1879)
Snow, George H. (1844)
Starkey, John W. (1844)
Strong, John (1849)
Terrill, Julia Willard (1837)
Thompson, James E. (1852)
Towne, Alice Elmira (1881)
Trial, Rose 'Rosa' Alma (1887)
Vachon, Frank 'Francois' (1851)
Veilleux, Godfroid 'Godfrey'... (1836)
Veilleux, Rosalie 'Rose' (1846)
Williams, James S. (1858)
Wing, Florence Ethel (1882)
Wood, Edwin (1866)
Wyman, Mary Ann (1865)
Allen, Laura Beatrice (1983)
Ames, Fred Merton (1971)
Anderson, Janet R. (1977)
Benson, Nellie Shaw (1965)
Boothby, Donald Haines (1977)
Boudreau, Samuel (1965)
Boulanger, Clement Joseph (1984)
Bowley, Robert Raymond (1982)
Bulger, Walter J. (1986)
Butler, Alfreda 'Florida' Br... (1985)
Campion, Raymond Edward (1967)
Chamberlain, Donald Virgil (1977)
Chatigny, Elizabeth (1982)
Clair, Gertrude Alice (1970)
Clarke, Maria Louise (1896)
Coombs, George Albert (1958)
Cormier, Mary Joyce (1933)
Dostie, Charles William (1978)
Dubay, Carmen Theresa (1979)
Duncan, James Allen (1986)
Durette, Lucille E. (1980)
Fales, Dean Abner (1969)
Fortin, Jean Baptiste 'Alpho... (1971)
Gallant, Mary Ruth 'Ernestin... (1975)
Gaul, Alphonse (1978)
George, Emma Harriet (1975)
Gould, Lloyd E. (1971)
Grenier, Alexina Gracia (1986)
Hunter, Mabel Daisy (1964)
Johnson, Adin Lewis (1972)
Kennison, Fred Waldron (1971)
Lafleur, Chrystal L. (1980)
Lamotte, Desanges Lamothe or (1938)
Lane, Perley (1976)
Lebrasseur, Robert J. (1979)
Lessard, Doris B. (1993)
Lessard, Richard (1963)
Levesque, Cecile (1986)
Lockwood, Cecil A. (1908)
Loubier, Marie Blanche 'Luci... (1996)
MacNeil, Myron Archibald (1979)
Maheu, Albert Edmund (1977)
Masse, Joseph Anastace Adelb... (1984)
Maxim, George Pratt (1963)
Mazerolle, Nellie Helene (1980)
McClellan, John J. (1865)
McEwen, Marion D. (1967)
McKenney, Martha Angie (1987)
Meriweather, Marion D. (1885)
Merrow, Abba Elvena L. (1949)
Michaud, Eva Marie (1981)
Pepin, Domitille 'Abby' Blan... (1984)
Philbrick, Ethel E. (1985)
Pollard, Hazel Amiha (1974)
Poulin, Annette Rita (1994)
Pressey, Estelle Redman (1971)
Priest, Helen (1979)
Quirion, Violet Celanire (1983)
Reynolds, Beth N. (2013)
Roberts, Marcella (1982)
Smiley, Samuel Perry (2014)
Smith, Marjorie Alice (1984)
Steeves, Charles C. (1944)
Sylvester, Percy Earl (1949)
Teasdale, James Waller (1931)
Tobey, Everett Nelson (1974)
Tobin, Helen B. (1973)
Violette, Gilbert Emmanuel '... (1986)
Wallace, Ella Mae (1981)
Webb, Eleanor 'Ellen' (1861)
Weigand, William (1974)
Weston, Gertrude Mabel (1975)
Wheeler, Charles A. (1913)
White, Charlotte M. (1969)
Marsters, John H. F. / Getch... (1869)