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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1  Source (S448)
2 Evander W. Morse and Betsey are in Brighton, Somerset, ME in 1850 census. Morse, Evander Wilson (I9055)
3 He is living with parents in 1860 Census of Waterville. 1870 census - occupation retired gold digger! Bates, Benjamin 'Frank' (I6105)
4 She adopted Albert Freeman Tilton ( a child of 10) in 1861. Living on Center St. in 1890 census of Waterville. Moor, Rebecca 'Elizabeth' (I1310)
5 #same source Stone genealogy has her bornin Anson. Dalton, Sarah Webster (I7170)
6 1 boy and 1 girl? Coulliard, Francis (Francois) (I192)
7 A Franklin Marston age 27 is living with Honor Soule age 93 and her daughter Elethena in 1850 census of Waterville. Marston, Franklin 'Frank' Oliver (I3444)
8 A Mary b 1828 England with I. Tucker in 1880 Census of Tekamah, Burt, Nebraska? Barney, Mary Phillips (I2995)
9 A Silas Ricker served in the Civil War, enlisted from Hartland, ME - Co. H. 20th Maine.  Ricker, Silas M. (I7925)
10 Air Force- Vietnam. Pomerleau, James Charles (I71778)
11 Annie was first married to Vital Willette. At marriage to Joseph she is Annie Butler. Breton, Annie Butler or (I26167)
12 Baxter was Justice of the Peace 1816-1819. Crowell, Baxter (I2296)
13 Birthplace also listed as Monpelier, VT in IGI. Palmer, Alden (I419)
14 Both Elias and Elias, Jr. in 1820 Census. An 80-90 year old male with the family in 1840 census (Sarah's father?). Is he the Elijah Toothaire of Bangor int. 2/5/1831 who married a Sarah Tozer? He was of Bangor at marriage. Tozer, Elias (I438)
15 Both in 1880 Census of Bucksport, ME. Noyes, Isaac D. (I5879)
16 Catherine is in 1850 census of Roxbury, MA with parents. Marston genealgoy has marriage date as 28 May 1863. Vila, Catherine 'Katie' W. (I3865)
17 Centennial History of Waterville has Daniel born in Pembroke, NH February 17, 1770. Marriage intention as Daniel Moore. Came to Winslow 1795 according to 1800 census. Son Henry and family living with them in 1850 census of Waterville. Moor, Daniel (I170)
18 Charles and Carrie are in 1880 census of Vallejo, Solano, CA occ. 'n.S. Marine'. They are in same household as large number of young people. (Marine barracks?) Lt. Colonel Heywood became Commandant of the Marine Corps Jan. 30. 1891. He and Carrie are in the 1900 census of Washington, DC his occ.'Brigadeer General Marine Corp'. They have living with them Nila H. Stelwag - 'niece' born Dec. 1865 New York - father born Germany. Charles became Major General in July, 1902.
#buried Section E D Site Lot 1115 
Heywood, Charles (I3820)
19 Charles attended Colby College 1838-39 and was a graduate of Yale University, class of 1842. He went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1847. In marriage intention 16-Sept-1853 in Waterville he was of Milwaukee, Wisconsin whre he was, for forty five years, Wells, Charles Kimball (I3302)
20 Charles is living in Hallowell in 1820 census. Father Charles probably living with family in 1840 census. The family is in 1860 Census of NY, NY occ. 'printer'. Charles published several music journals. Dingley, Charles Barker (I203)
21 Charles is living with parents in 1880 census of Albion, ME. Wilson, Charles E. (I21802)
22 Civil War Veteran. Co. C, 1st ME Cavalry. Peter and Louisa are in 1880 Census of Moline, Rock Island, Illinois occ. 'carpenter'. Huntoon, Peter G. (I2168)
23 Civil War, Co. A, 28 Regt. Freeman graduated from the University of Lewisburg (now Bucknell University), class of 1866, Ph.D 1889. Freeman was professor of Modern Languages and retired in 1900. He is in 1910 Census of New York, NY. Loomis, Freeman (I5390)
24 Colby College graduate, class of 1942. Actually graduated 1947 because of the war per obituary. WW II Veteran. Decorated War hero - 'The Soldier's Medal'. Was in broadcasting. Vigue, Harold Lionel (I41341)
25 Death certificate image not available. Soule, Martha C. (I6882)
26 Death certificate image not available. Heath, Margaret S. (I10537)
27 Death certificate image not available. Kain, Susan (I11987)
28 Death certificate image not available. Charles' birthplace from son Charles Burt Toziers' birth certificate in Methuen. Tozier, Charles Lewis (I7322)
29 Death certificate says born in Waterville. Corson, Almira (I4358)
30 Edward and Emma are in 1870 Census of Chicago, Illinois - his occ. 'carpenter' - no children and in 1880 Census of Malta, Lake, Colorado as E. L.- occ. 'lumberman' with Annie. Edward L. and Emma A. are in 1900 census of Rockford, Kent, Michigan. Piper, Edward L. (I2520)
31 Elnathan was a selectman of Winslow in 1797 and one of the first selectmen of Waterville. He was representative in the legislature of Massachusetts for many years. Colonel of the 2nd ME regiment in the War of 1812. Sherwin, Elnathan (I1291)
32 Enoch was a Civil War Veteran, Co. H, 13th, ME Regt. Enoch graduated from Bowdoin College, class of 1864. He studied law in the office of Hon. Reuben Foster and graduated from Law University of Albany, NY. He began practicing law in Bethel in 1865 and was a Member of the Maine Senate, 1874. He was Justice of the Maine State Supreme Court 1884-1898. Foster, Enoch Jr. (I7044)
33 Fairfield Vital Records Source (S339)
34 Have married to Nancy E. Ladd in Winthrop in 1843 and Hosea and Nancy are in 1850 census of Sidney, ME. They are living on the River Rd. in 1890 census. Blaisdell, Hosea (I1381)
35 He is Joseph Grant Jr. in marriage intention in Sidney 3-May-1842. They are in 1850 census of Gardiner, ME occ. 'carpenter' with 4 children - one of them Georgianna age 4. They are in 1860 census of Waterville. They are both in 1880 census of Bangor, ME occ. 'pattern maker'. Grant, Joseph Jr. (I7389)
36 He is of Fairfield at marriage. They are in 1870 census of Fairfield with Cynthia Lawrence age 82 living with them. Not buried in Fairfield. Lawrence, Ebenezer Franklin 'Frank' (I8880)
37 He was a Harvard University graduate, class of 1859. Prepared at Gilmanton, NH and Philips Academy. Rv. Osborn was ordained at Bristol, Rhode Island and remained there for five years. They are in 1880 census of Westfield, MA - occ. 'clergyman' - 3 children. He served pastorates at Southington, CT , Branford, CT and Fayetteville, NY. He often contributed poems to a seamen's paper such as 'The Sea Breeze', Osborn, Cyrus Pearl (I3722)
38 Henry and second wife Amanda in 1880 census of Peabody, Marion, Kansas. Odd that the wives were around the same age and both born in West Indies - perhaps Theresa and Amanda are one and the same person. Nourse, Henry (I116)
39 Henry was a graduate of Amherst College, class of 1856. They are in 1860 Census of Charlestown, MA - Henry C. 'Baptist clergyman'. He was a prominent clergyman in the Baptist Church and author of many scholarly works. They had three children the last 2 born in Providence, RI. At one time resided in New Bedford, MA. Graves, Henry Clinton (I10043)
40 Henry was of Pittston in marriage to Priscilla. Mary Snow age 71 born MA living in house 1850. There was a Mary White buried in Pine Grove Cem. who died in 1859 at 80 - could she be Henry's mother who married second a Snow. He is of Waterville in marriage intention in Pittston to Mrs. Betsey Hodgdon 13-Sept-1852. White, Henry Brown (I353)
41 Hiram is in 1860 census of Waterville with Edward H. Goodwin head of household. Civil War veteran - Co H, 3rd ME infantry. Fish, Hiram (I5299)
42 Horace and Annie M. are in 1930 census of Benton, ME with daughter Carolyn. Hamlin, Horace P. (I18660)
43 In 1820 Census of Waterville. Living with son John and family in 1850. Family bible records of these dates also. Philbrick, John Robinson (I361)
44 In 1870 Census of Sandwich, MA occ. 'works in car facty' Eliza Ellis, age 73, living with them. In 1880 Census of Sandwich he is 'carpenter' Carrie M. Ellis age 19, niece, living with them. Cemetery stone has birth year 1836. Rogers, Allen Taylor (I7826)
45 In 1880 census of Waterville he is 'saloon keeper'. Hayes, John H. (I12386)
46 Jonathan living in Waterville in 1820 census. Jonathan was of Waterville at marriage. A Frances Heywood age 31 living with the family in 1850 census of Waterville. They were said to have had 8 children. He was the first harness maker in Waterville. Heywood, Jonathan (I405)
47 Levi and Elsie are in 1920 and 1930 censuses of Waterville. Occ. 'chauffeur'. Young, Levi Leroy (I21928)
48 Louis Henry Violette. Violette, Louis Henry (I28195)
49 Marine. Bolduc, Ronald Paul (I75256)
50 Name Nights in 1850 census. In 1860 Census of Monson, ME with Ellena and children Mary and Thomas. They are in 1870 Census of Lincoln Co, Dakota Territory - his middle name Sue or Suo - John age 76 Ellen age 68. William and Mary are in their household and son George is enumerated next door. Knight, John Suo (I129)
51 occ. 'milliner'. Pray, Sarah E. (I1776)
52 Oscar was first married to Nancy Burge and they had Althea and Martin. Oscar and Eliza are in 1850 census of Joliet, Will, Illinois occ. 'county clerk' with children Althea age 11 and Martin age 5. In 1860 census of Joliet, Oscar occ. 'judge' and Oscar and Eliza had 2 more children Alice and Antonio. Oscar's sister married Turiel Haywood. Hawley, Oscar Lyman (I11427)
53 Phebe Thompson is living with father and stepmother and Charles G. Thompson age 9 in 1850 census of Waterville - no husband. In 1860 Census of Ripon, Wisconsin she is Phebe Thompson living with Hadassah Scribner born 1822 Maine and they are both 'teacher in B. College'. In 1870 Census of Ripon she is living with C. T. Thompson age 28 and family. In 1880 she is living with Charles Thompson and family 'mother'. Scribner, Phebe Blanche (I10708)
54 Probably buried Riverside Cem., Orono as there is a Derocher stone there with no names and no dates. Durocher, Michel (Desrocher) (I87)
55 Said to have lived during Rev. War in Tolland, CT. He moved to Waterville around 1792. Death reported in Maine Farmer 25-Mar-1847. Applied for pension 19-Jul-1832 in Kennebec Co. for service in the Revolutionary War (he was also in the War of 1812). Crowell, Manoah 'Man' (I44)
56 The Mitchells moved from working in the mills in Massachusetts to Waterville around 1930. George's real name was Joseph Michael Kilroy - he was orphaned at a young age and raised in Waterville by the Mitchell family who were Lebanese. Mitchell, George John (I22920)
57 They are in 1860 Census of Waterville and in 1870 and 1880 Censuses of Clinton, ME. Said to have had 13 children. Civil War Co. I, 31st ME Infantry. Blackstone, Daniel (I7857)
58 They are in 1880 Census of Bowdoinham, ME his occ. 'Baptist minister'. Kingsbery, Sanford Agry (I8400)
59 They moved to White Co., Indiana about 1846 with family. In 1850 Census of White Co, Indiana they are enumerated next to son Samuel and wife Harriet. Batchelder, Samuel (I225)
60 They were in Fort Fairfield in the 1880 census ( he is Edward) with daughter Elvira, father Samuel A. age 67 and mother-in-law Elizabeth Grass age 72, born NB. He is in 1900 census of Perham, ME with wife and 4 children . Edwin had been in Fishkill 19 years at time of death. Bacon, Edwin E. (I1333)
61 Thomas B. with wife Rebecca in 1880 Census of Wilmington, Delaware. Eaton, Thomas Nathaniel Bridge (I10125)
62 US Army. Pollard, Phillip E. (I41813)
63 Waterville Vital Records Source (S1304)
64 William and Ella are of Benton, ME at marriage. They are in 1920 census of Vassalboro. Taylor, William R. (I21276)
65 Wilson and Ann are in 1860 census of Lowell, MA. Wilson and Anna are in 1880 census of Waterville his occ. 'house carpenter'. With them is Emiline Gilmore age 74 born NY 'mother in law'. Page, Wilson W. (I16197)
66 Wm G. and Elizabeth L. Cook in 1850 occ. 'dyer'. Living with them is Harriet Johnson and Maria Barton. In 1860 census of Lowell, MA with wife Elizabeth and children Priscilla L. age 17 and Charles M. age 7. Probably Civil War veteran Co. F. 33rd Mass. died of wounds 2 Nov 1863 Wauhatchie, Tennessee. He enlisted at at 41 residnece Lowell, MA occ. carpenter. Cook, William Granville (I1954)
67 WW I veteran. Herbert L. is of Weston, ME and Alice is of Reed Pl., ME at marriage. Herbert is in 1900 census of Foxcroft with parents. Newman, Herbert Lee (I19945)
68 WW II Veteran. Thomas, John (I24043)
69 WW II Veteran. Gagnon, Edward Joseph (I40554)
70 !900 census has that she had 12 children 7 living. Kelleher, Elizabeth 'Lizzie' (I24775)
71 "A religious hospitaller in St. Basiele'. Michaud, Jeannine (I65836)
72 "Adopted by Rebecca Moor Feb. 1861". Tilton, Albert Freeman (I2745)
73 #8 children all born in Waterville. Gleason, Calvin L. (I3137)
74 #A Daniel Brewer born 10-Mar-1802 Brewer, ME in IGI to Josiah Brewer and Anna Ginn.
IGI has that he died 5 May 1870 - Brewer, ME. 
Brewer, Daniel (I10194)
75 #A Julia Ann mar. Mark Lord 20-Nov-1845 , Kennebec Co., Maine.
In home of George Guptill in 1880 Census of Belgrade, ME - widowed. 
Williams, Julia Ann (I9937)
76 #A Martha M. Hubbard of Corinna married a David Spearing of Clinton 1867.
Martha M. is in 1880 census of West Waterville 'widowed'. 
Hubbard, Martha Maria (I1080)
77 #A Mary J. Tozer of Corinth and George W. Knight of Bangor were married but not sure if right one Mary. Tozer, Mary T. (I8176)
78 #A Mrs. Celia C. wife of Sumner Percival d. Aug. 18, 1831 buried Cross Hill Cem., Vassalboro, ME? Percival, Sumner (I387)
79 #A Relief was born to Josiah and Tabithy Carter in Leominster Oct. 21, 1770 in Leominster, MA. p. 34 Carter, Relief (I2193)
80 #Also seen born in Barnstable, MA. Avery, Leonard C. (I38)
81 #But she is single in 1880 census of Waterville and living with parents? Belanger, Emma C. (I29325)
82 #children 3385-88 Pearson, Edmund Dwight (I3385)
83 #Daughter Irene is in home of Charles and Mary Brown as adopted in 1900 census. Giguere, Amazelie (I25853)
84 #IGI has Joel's birth as 27-Jun-1815 of Hartland, ME - parents married in Wales, ME. Stafford, Joel Thomas (I349)
85 #left Maine about 1912 for Nevada. (info from Abby Balderama Fremont, CA.) Ricker, Tristam A. (I9018)
86 #Listed in Pine Grove Cem. records as wife of Pro. J. R. Loomis. Freeman, Sarah Anne (I3676)
87 #Marriage given as 1830 must be 1820? Hill, Purmot (I332)
88 #Mother was from Sidney in Embden Town of Yore p. 485. Wells, Elvira Maria (I3773)
89 #NEed info cause children don't jive with censuses. Chase, Elihu (I295)
90 #Parents married in Lebanon, ME died in Smithfield, ME. Rankins, Lucious (I180)
91 #She could be the Emily W. born 1825 in Maine in 1870 Census of Biddeford, ME.
A George A. Smith born 1818 Maine was in 1880 census of Hueneme, Ventura, CA. 
Whitaker, Emilene 'Emily' (I10912)
92 #She is in 1920 census of Stoneham, MA 'widowed'. Whitaker, Minerva 'Minnie' Alice (I21240)
93 #She married first to a Jacobs.
Was a noted artist that studied etching with Stephen Parish. She favored American landscapes. 
Peirce, Edith 'Ella' Loring (I1414)
94 #son rodney Witherspoon, Rodney (I8135)
95 #Wife is Louisa N. age 19 in 1850 census? Wheeler, Albert (I1902)
96 'accidental drowning' Dumont, Frank 'Francois' (I29229)
97 'accidental drowning' Anderson, William 'Willie' A. (I22000)
98 'Bolis King wife of George King' in cemetery records. Poulin, Basilisse (I3255)
99 'Cata and Sampson Freeman of Lyndsborough, both negroes' in marriage record. A Sampson came from Peru, ME in 1835. Freeman, Sampson (I61)
100 'Daughter of H. B. White' in Eastern Mail account of marriage. Mary W. Caffrey in 1870 census of Waterville with Josephine age 4 and Sarah B. age 71. Death certificate image not available. White, Mary (I2054)

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