
Matches 301 to 400 of 15,243

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
301 A Thatcher Moore born 5 July 1801 in Sidney in IGI. Newpaper article says that he died at age 40?
#Buried with Masonic Honors. 
Moore, Thatcher (I298)
302 A Thomas Bisbee died at age 14 in Waterville in 1844. A Bisbee is in Pine Grove Cemetery - no names or dates. Bisbee, Thomas (I307)
303 A Thomas Cook was on the 1796 Tax Assessment of West Side Kennebec River. Cook, F. Thomas (I1950)
304 A Thomas Gulliford and Abigale Oliver mar. in Eddington. Gullifer, Thomas (I6242)
305 A Thomas N. Avery had a marriage intention to Caroline L. Dodge Oct. 6, 1850 in Waterville. In 1860 Census of Waterville Thomas N. is head of household with Everlina G. Avery age 36 and Everlina L. age 3. Thomas Avery was of Sidney when he bought land from Turner Fish of Waterville in Kennebec Co. deeds Vol. 16 p. 130. Avery, Thomas N. (I40)
306 A Thomas Worcester is in 1860 census of. Hermon, ME with many children - no wife and a Thomas Worcester age 20 alon in 1870 census of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Worcester, Thomas (I11346)
307 A Timothy B. Hayward was a private in the War of 1812. After he died in Waterville Eleanor went to Illinois with the children. Many thanks to Diane Grom - a descendant - as she did the work on this family with a Dekalb Co. biography and Ann W. Heywood Fay's will which mentioned her brothers Samuel and James. Lockport Cemetery information from Charlet Emery Roskovics - a descendant. Heywood, Timothy B. (I315)
308 A top aide to Howard Hughes and FBI and CIA agent. He married and had 3 sons and a daughter. Maheu, Robert Aime (I23786)
309 A volunteer soldier in the 16th New York Regt. (Burgess Genealogy). They are in Dunmore Ward 4 Lackawanna, PA in 1900 census. He is 'Supt. of Break sp? Works'. Burgess, Luther E. (I3121)
310 A William Avery was among those in article on 'Maine Natives in Minnesota'. Information from correspondence with Dan Avery - a descendant from Minnesota. They are in 1880 Census of Woodbury, Washington, MN. Avery, William Leonard (I3102)
311 A William H. Long was 23 in 1850 and a Maine Native in California. They are in 1870 Census of Mount Carroll, Carroll, Illinois William is 'bank clerk'. They are in 1880 Census of Chicago, Cook, Illinois - she is 'dressmaker' and he is 'notions merchant'. Long, William H. (I3870)
312 A William Smith of Waterville m. Rubey Streeter April 1807 Leeds. IGI has name Rhoba Streeter m. 12-Apr-1806, Androscoggin, ME. A Rhoda Streeter was b 15-Aug-1791 Winthrop to John Streeter and Mercy in IGI. A William Smith b 1789 Maine in 1850 Census of Jackonville, Tuolumne, California. Could be Moses M. Smith's parents. He was in the 1840 census of Waterville. Smith, William (I322)
313 A. B. West with wife and family in 1870 census of Wauzeka, Crawford, Wisconsin occ. 'R. R. Agent'. Living with them is Mercy B. West born 1801 Vermont (mother). They are in 1880 census of Shenandoah, Page, Iowa - occ. 'R. R. clerk'. Asa may have have married twice as wife in 1880 is just an inital that is illelligible but it has her born in England. West, Asa Burton (I10723)
314 Aaron and Hannah are in 1850 census of Winslow, ME his occ. 'mason'. Aaron and Hannah age 40 are in 1870 census of Waterville his occ. 'brick mason' with son George age 19 occ. 'baker'. They are in 1880 also. Proctor, Aaron (I12645)
315 Aaron Brown of Waterville sold land and a house formerly owned by Timothy Clement in 1803 to Asa Moore of Waterville (Ken. Co. deeds Vol. 6 p. 33). Moors, Asa (I28)
316 Abbie is in 1860 census of Waterville with parents. Runnells, Abbie Anna (I10015)
317 Abbie L. is in 1910 census of San Francisco, CA with brother Samuel P. Soule. Soule, Abigail 'Abby' Lavina (I674)
318 Abbie was of Augusta at marriage and name is Hale. Heald, Abbie Frances (I4966)
319 Abbie was of Smithfield at marriage. Death certificate not at Maine State Archives. Stevens, Abigail 'Abbie' H. (I3999)
320 Abbie was of Waterville at marriage. Philbrook, Abbie M. (I9631)
321 Abby M. Haynes is 'mother-in-law' in home of John and Minnie Nyman in 1900 census of Augusta, ME. Lewis, Abby M. (I3164)
322 Abel and Abagail in family of Francis A. Shorey age 28 in 1860 census of Waterville. Merrow, Abel (I252)
323 Abel was of Wellington, ME at marriage. Abel and Hattie are in 1910 -1930 censuses of Waterville. Goodridge, Abel (I42179)
324 Abel,, Martha and children are in 1880 census of Bath, ME. Pottle, Abel Warren (I12620)
325 Abigail is in 1850 census of Lynn, MA with siter Deborah and her husband James Smith Reed. Butts, Abigail 'Abbie' S. (I3875)
326 Abigail married first to Gilman Fellows who died in 1837 and had Joseph, Gilman, Lucy A., and James by him. Prescott, Abigail Moor (I1765)
327 Abijah is in 1880 census of Benton 'widowed' with parents. 1890 Veterans schedule of Fairfield had him Regt. Ohio? Brown, Abijah A. (I13940)
328 Abner and Mary living in Belgrade in 1870 census. Higgins, Abner (I213)
329 Abraham and Lucy in 1900 census of Vassalboro. Genness, Abraham (I64551)
330 Abraham and Rose are in 1930 census of Boston, MA with daughter Lucille and his mother Mary Nassif age 48 born Syria. He imm. 1913. Nassif, Abraham G. (I23351)
331 Abraham was of Canaan, ME at marriage (Stuart spelling). Stewart, Abraham (I2705)
332 Abraham was of McConnelsville, Ohio at marriage. He was Pastor in Leeds, ME in 1856. Abraham is in 1880 Census of Wayne, ME occ. 'Baptist minister' with wife and sister-in-law Sophia E. Slater. His birthplace is Ohio. Snyder, Abraham (I3320)
333 Abraham's mother's name is Annie Tevya on his marriage cert. He went by Levin and lived in Brookline, MA. Levine, Abraham Philip (I71973)
334 Abram Joseph is in 1900 census of Waterville - he imm. 1888. Abraham Joseph opened a store in Waterville in 1887 shortly after emigrating. Abraham and Rachel are in 1920 census of Lawrence, MA he imm. 1886 she 1902. The store moved to Fairfield in 1924. Abraham and Rachel are in 1930 census of Fairfield, ME with large family - occ. 'proprietor clothing store'. Joseph, Abraham (I19118)
335 Abstracts of Death Notices and Misc. News Articles From the Maine Farmer by David C. Young and Benjamin Lewis Keene 1997 173 Men of Progress 106 Source (S543)
336 Abstracts of Penobscot County Maine Probate Records 1816-1883 Edited by Ruth Gray 1993 Source (S1185)
337 Acccidental drowning. Gotlander, Gustaf 'Gus' H. (I24630)
338 Accidental death - run over by W. and O. railroad. Philbrick, James W. (I17653)
339 Accidental drowning Hollingsworth and Whitney boom. Boily, Arthur (I35788)
340 Accidental drowning Messalonskee. Lessor, Joseph Andre Lessard or (I25323)
341 Accidental drowning. Giroux, George (I28615)
342 Accidental drowning. Lessor, Edward J. Lessard or (I44320)
343 Accidental drowning. Rancourt, Napoleon (I46340)
344 Accidental drowning. Foster, Frank Fortin or (I74460)
345 Accidentally hit by train. Philllips, Howard T. (I43610)
346 Accidentally killed by falling tree. Blaisdell, Joseph (I7325)
347 Accomplished musician. Townsend, John Bisbee (I50867)
348 According to Byram Genealogy, he lived in Chelsea, MA. Byram, Rotheus Mitchell (I287)
349 According to cemetery records she died at age 63. Getchell, Laura 'Alice' (I1187)
350 According to Early Families of Standish, ME 'they lived in Standish and Baldwin, but later moved to Monroe'. Yates, Josiah (I9564)
351 According to her obituary, Dot's parents died when she was young and she was raised by aunt and uncle Phylis and Lillian Knight. Howard, Dorothy (I74380)
352 According to obituary she was one of 15 children. Roy, Celina (I44750)
353 According to the History of Colby he was an older brother of Edward Mathews. Mathews?, Samuel (I7205)
354 According to the History of Kennebec County, their only son Arthur died in 1883 at the age of one. Crowell, Charles Melvin (I2273)
355 Achille and Agnes are in 1920 census of Waterville with Barney surname. Lagrange, Achille 'Archie' Barney or (I36081)
356 Achille and Alphonsine are in 1930 census of Waterville. At one time chief veterinarian of the State of Maine. Joly, Achille (I16909)
357 Achorn Cemetery, Rockland, Maine Vol. 2, 1986 p. 319 Source (S471)
358 Achsa is in 1870 census of Waterville with Fannie age 13 and Gracie age 11. She is in 1880 census of Watervile with Abbie C. born NH and Grace L. age 21. Wood, Achsa H. C. (I14431)
359 Ada B. is 'sister' in home of Elfred K. and George G. Nelson in 1920 census of Fairfield. Nelson, Ada B. (I10687)
360 Ada is in 1900 census of Waterville divorced with son George. Getchell, Ada L. (I14982)
361 Ada is in 1910 census of Brunswick occ. 'saleslady - dry goods store' living with mother Elvira Thompson. - both widowed. Thompson, Ada F. (I10847)
362 Adaline is living in Waterville in 1880 Census. Harlow, Adaline (I5281)
363 Adam and Sarah are in 1850 census of Hebron, ME his occ. 'clergyman' and then 1860 census of Waterville. Wilson, Adam (I13120)
364 Adam's parents resided in New Sharon, ME in 1794. Adam and family in 1850 census of Waterville but in 1860 census of Sharon, MA. Davis, Adam G. (I53)
365 Addie is 38 and in 1910 census of Augusta, ME with sons Arthur and Walter 'divorced'. Rancourt, Adele 'Addie' (I26817)
366 Addie Northey is in home of George Briery in 1900 census of Waterville. Simmons, Adelaide 'Addie' M. (I16320)
367 Addie was previously married to a George Simonds. Williams, Addie Amelia (I1615)
368 Addison, Sarah, Willis and Ellen are in 1860 census of Gorham, NH his occ. 'wheelwright'. Civil War. Co. L, NH Regt. Dolley, Addison (I13322)
369 Adelaide is in 1870 Census with daughter Natalie. Col, Adelaide (I3220)
370 Adelbert and Georgina are in 1930 census of Augusta. Rose, Adelbert L. (I20593)
371 Adeline Clair is in 1940 census of Waterville, ME 'divorced'. Jobin, Adeline M. (I58500)
372 Adeline is in 1880 census of Lewiston, ME with children Mahala, Roscoe and grandaughter Annie S. Noyes. Day, Adeline (I18392)
373 Adesta is in 1869 census of Charleston, ME living with parents. Roundy, Adesta 'Addie' F. (I8857)
374 Adin B. Civil War Co. B, 16th ME Infantry. missing on 1 July 1863 at Gettysburg, PA, POW on 19 August 1864 Weldon Road, Virginia and absent prisoner on 5 June 1865. Thayer, Adin B. (I12148)
375 Admitted to the Unitarian Church in Waterville 1/4/1888 from Gardiner. Dennis, Elizabeth (I6274)
376 Adolphe and Marie are in 1920 census of Winslow, ME with Joseph Quirion age 26 and wife Anna age 24. Veilleux, Adolphe (I32019)
377 Adopted at a young age by aunt and uncle Charles and Catherine Gagnon after parents died. Gagnon, Laurier J. Veilleux (I32479)
378 Adopted at a young age by Ralph and Margaret Bisson - aunt and uncle who owned Deorsay Drug Store. Morrison, Rose Marie (I78539)
379 Adopted at age 1 1/2 by Philias and Adelina Veilleux. Poulin, Laura Marie (I22640)
380 Adopted at young age by Charles Gagnon. Gagnon, Leo J. Veilleux (I32478)
381 Adopted by Buswells. Buswell, Lillian 'Gertrude' Sumner (I13628)
382 Adopted by Cyr family. Cyr, Cecile 'Celia' Marie Fortin (I58215)
383 Adopted by Finnemore. Finnimore, John 'Alden H.' Hale (I65626)
384 Adopted. Tozier, Melissa (I15387)
385 Adopted. Lambert, Edward Willard (I36967)
386 Affidavit of Pension file for Samuel L. Crawford Source (S1200)
387 After a great deal of research, it cannot be determined her parents.  Roy, Emilie (I43148)
388 After Elizabeth died he apparently married Mary McDonald Clarke as she is buried as widow of Isaiah Crooker. Crooker, Isaiah (I1542)
389 After Josiah died she then married Caleb Ambrose Burbank supposedly Josiah's first cousin. Mary's name is Mary Ludlow Looney in marriage to Prescott and Leeney in second marriage to Caleb 17-Oct-1898 in Manhattan, NY in IGI. She and Caleb A. born NY are in 1920 Census of Cheshire, NH. Looney, Mary Ludlow (I3712)
390 After Lemuel died she lived with daughter Rebecca in New Jersey. Emerson, Lydia (I2688)
391 After marriage they lived in Fishersville (Pennacook), NH. John came to Thomaston, ME by 1797 and managed the estate of General Henry Knox. About 1802 he purchased Butter Island from General Knox. John is on Butter Island in 1850 census with Unadella and family. Witherspoon, John A. (I271)
392 After William's death, Freelove lived with her son Elisha in China. Weeks, Freelove (I7790)
393 Age 35 in 1850 census. Gleason, Ann 'Anna' (I2264)
394 Age 84 living with David Wyman and family in 1860. Birth date could be 14-May-1776 in Vassalboro. Jackson, Rebecca R. (I915)
395 Aglae is in 1910 census of Waterville with parents single? Bolduc, Perpetue 'Aglae' (I46042)
396 Agnes is living with daughter Mary Marquis in 1920 census of Waterville. Landry, Agnes (I28120)
397 Agnes married first to Isaac Selden Clifford - apparently divorced. Emerson, Agnes Witherspoon (I1225)
398 Air Force Veteran. Baird, Chester Alton (I64642)
399 Albert and Almina lived in China, ME for awhile where they were in 1920 and they then moved to South Gate, California in 1955 according to a descendent living in CA. Said to have had 22 children! Lacroix, Albert (I36860)
400 Albert and Annie are in 1930 census of Winslow with large family. Thibodeau, Albert Pierre (I31711)

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