Winslow Maine Crosby Diary
July Through December 1898
Transcribed from the original handwritten diary of Elizabeth B. Hinds Crosby by her Great Grandson Clyde Spaulding
July 1898
sent letter to Amanda & Rufus 4th school closed
Letter from Nett 5th July 1st
1st Another nice day. Churned & mended. N cooked & swept chambers. E & boys put up Sleds & harrows & hoed Beans, then E went to the Mills. F & Ned gone to Grange. Eddie, Lib, Stevie, Mary & Ruth gone up to a concert at the church Mr Wms & Edith with her Violin also F Garland, Nelson boy & B Patterson with a bass viol, & Julia Patterson on organ,, Ella Piper sang alone also Maud Taylor. Bob Crosby spoke several times. They had ice cream, cake, col" over 15 dollars.
2nd Nice day. Worked Butter & mended. E had 3 machines come to day, he has sold them. F been down got Kate to night Rufus went with him.
3rd Very hot day. Eddie & 5 children went to Church. Stevie & H gone this eve. Mr Wms stops. I have written to Rufus & Amanda. All the children been at home to day.
4th Independant day. Jo" Reed went with rack carried Sab" school scholars & teachers out to the Pond. Nellie, Kate & the 5 youngest went out in the carriage, had a good time got home all Mr B Moore & wife called he got a machineright. ate supper out there, Eddie was putting machine together, did not go. F & L went to Mills so E & I was alone at noon thought of H when we kept house. Ned carried K over & she goes down in cars. Mrs Sylvanas Hamlin died last night. I washed white clothes & stockings.
5th Another nice day. Eddie began to mow clover in upper field, it is very stout. N finished washing clothes dry & in. E sold m machine to Merritt Reed. Guess all are tired.
Bright , not quite as warm. E mowed & they got in 2 loads at home. N cooked & ironed some. Churned
& mended hose & went out picked few Peas. am very tired will go to
bed if not to sleep.
Another nice day. E mowed some, got in 5 large loads. N finished ironing. I worked Butter
& mended all tired
8th another good hay day got in 6 loads from upper field& hauled it down home, clover for cows. N done work, I mended F's pants & put up Box of Butter, washed some dishes. Mary finished picking strawberries for H Reed, she earned 3, some forenoons earned 50 cts, but got pretty tired.
Letter to Geo" Hunt also to Sue Jul 13th
July 1898 " from Rufus 13th
Nice hay day. E mowed some got in 7 loads. Churned & mended Pants
for S. I have felt lonely and alone to day. N cooked & ironed some. It is a beautiful sunset. One day nearer my Home above where are many friends.
13th Cloudy all day. dressed Butter, mended F's pants & began a shirt for Eddie . N done work & ironed some. Mary been picking Straw" for H Reed. They carried Ida to the Insane asylam to day; Poor motherless girl.
15th Sunshine & little cloudy & a little shower in morn. E went out to Bracketts with a m machine. N done work. I sewed on Eddie's shirt. C Thomas helped. F Hunt called
Letter from Frank 20th July 1898
20th Another cloudy day but the sun shone out bright about 4 then cloudy again. E & boys hoed in garden forenoon then E cut up sheep & went to Blacksmith shop. Mary been up to Annie's. got letter from F. Stevie & L went rasberrying got 8 lbs late when they went. I sewed on shirt. N been busy. Book Agent dined with us Pd 25 cts, took no book
N got letter from Frank 27th July 1898
Letter from Sue Aug 1st & N one from H
Letter from F 2nd
Cloudy in forenoon, then sun shone. E mowed got in 2 loads. Stevie drove
the Tedder. N cooked & washed little.
I finished boys overalls. K made print dress for Pearl. Mary went with K Hodges, got some rasberries.
Kate, Mary & Stevie gone to Reading Club must go to bed as I am
tired. F wrote he had been sick-had summer complaint was in Hospital 2 days
Cloudy part of day, sun shone little. E mowed & raked it up. Charles F here in forenoon this afternoon he, Stevie & Mary went out to Ros"
Pall's raspberring. N has washed & ironed some. I mended hose & washed dishes, Florence
Dow ( a niece of Nellie's) came here this afternoon.
Cloudy morn but cleared away before noon. C came & they opened hay, used tedder & got in 3 loads. After tea E & C mowed. About 4 Nellie , Kate, Florence & Pearl carried
Box Butter to Depot, then went to Watt'. left Kate to Perry Quinlins as
there is a party going up to Hayden's Lake tomorrow & she is going.
good hay day. E mowed some in upper field got in 7 loads C F helped N sent supper up to the upper field. I
helped some made few cookies & sewed. Sue Lancaster, Mrs Hubbard & niece called. It is ten
oclock E is eating Crackers & milk. I will go to bed.
Sabbath day & last day of the month. It does'nt seem like Sunday. C F helped Eddie get in 3 loads hay. Neddie came up about 4. Will, Annie & children came. Ned
& his mother made some Ice Cream. They went home half past 5. Stevie, Florence & Mary went up to meeting, not many there. One of Mr Glidden's children was buried yesterday. Neddie went. should like to hear from Frank.
1st Nice day to wash, had quite a large one & they are dry & Nell has brought them most all in as it sprinkled little looks like rain. Eddie finished mowing over brook & got in 5 loads C F is here.
3rd Bright E mowed & got in 7 loads from 10 acre field. I mended hose & after dinner, Nell carried me over to Ann Sylvester's came C F hereafter me at night. Mrs H Brown & Ellen are there had a good visit. heard that Elizabeth (Flagg) Getchell was buried yesterday at Watt". She stuck a sliver in her hand, got cold in it. she lived a few days almost a lockjaw I am tired will go to bed
sent letter to Sue & Wm 5th
Eddie went with corn this morn to Watt"
We had corn Sunday 7th with L & Ned at 7AM
N had letter from F 9th
Aug 1898
6th Nice
hay day. E mowed below oaks got in 5 loads. C F here I churned & mended. N has cooked all day,
think she is tired.
7th Nice
day, None went to Church but Mary, as E carried Florence home and Frank came home last night about 12 got
into window no one heard him did not know he was here till morn Ned came up last night - was going down to see him to
day - Stevie is not a bit well- hope he will be better tomorrow. I am tired
will go to bed.
8th Nice
day to wash, & we had one. I kept round till after 4 then stopped. N must be tired. E carried F to the train this morn. he took some honey &
cookies, he says their food was good C F 1/2 daybut no cakes or pies.
The R R Depot , Machine Shop & a barn were burned last night at K Mills. I must go to bed.
9th Nice
hay day. E mowed in opening got in 6 loads. C F here. Nell took Pearl went down with Stevie to see
Dr, he said Stevie wanted to rest. he
has worked pretty steady haying. Mary & I done up work & I ironed
some. Ruth spent the day with Annie. This afternoon I began to pick the
wool. N swept chambers. I will
go to bed.
Cloudy, little cooler. E got in few scatterings. about 10 who should come in but Martha Lunt.
was glad to see her & enjoyed her visit very much & about 11 a McCormick
Agent came. after dinner E went to L Fullers with him. Heard that James Hodges wife had a young babe.
my head aches will go to bed.
11th Cloudy morn but sun came out & E mowed acres oats in upper field & some grass back of barn & got in 5 loads C F came about 2 PM. I picked wool. N cooked & mended. after tea she went over to Gerry Smiley's got Kate she has been gone 13 days. D O Smiley called said he was 78 yrs old last July.
Lib got letter from Sarah 18
N got " " F
Aug 1898
Cloudy forenoon, sun shone out bright noon. E opened a load of hay got it
in & 3 large loads of oats from upper field. C F helped 1/2 day. I worked Butter took care of milk. then
finished wool, finished it about 5 to night & I was glad when it was done for I was very tired. Nell & girls done work & N has made little Catsup as H Reed & Amos
gave Stevie some tomatoes.
Nice bright day. Eddie, N, S & Ruth went to Church. Kate, Stevie &
Mary gone this eve. Mr Wms stops. I should like to stop in if
near although I feel tired after meeting. Eddie, N, Ruth & I went up to
what we used to call the Smiley burying ground. I have'nt been there for a
long time. when Hanes went with me O what changes.
Nice bright day. Clothes dry & in.
E mowed part of turnip piece & got 4 loads. after tea mowed
grain in upper field C F helped him. A Pedler, little boy stops here to
Nice day. E finished mowing grass for 1898 - got in 3 loads had 122 loads in all & has got his grain all down 4
loads in think he is not sorry. N cooked & ironed some. K cut a dress
for her Mother. I got skirt of it most done. Churned. just at night N
called down to Mrs Fish. Mr James' Mill came very near being burned this
afternoon. Our folks were in the barn unloading hay, they all went with
Pails. burnt little lumber belonged to C Foss. dont know how it took
Sunshine & clouds. E went with corn then picked some. changed hay fork got in 3 loads grain. C
F helped. is done has worked 18 1/2 days. E paid him 37 dollars. he is
going to work for C Warren on Fort Bridge they are going to repair it. I
worked Butter then hemmed ruffles for N's dress & mended some. K sewed. N & M done work & ironed some. K,
M & Stevie gone to reading club.
Nice day. E went with corn then picked some, and got in 4 loads of grain. I
have sewed, so has K. N & M done work & ironed some after tea I picked few Peas & thought of absent friends.
Cloudy most all day. E went with corn then got in 2 loads of Barley, The
last grain; had 13 loads & just as they drove into the Barn at noon it began to rain little & this eve it rains
quite hard. E thinks he wont get up at 5 in the morn as he has no more Corn
to carry to market. I churned & mended Ned a pair of pants. N put up some Catsup. K finished her Mothers dress. Ralph & Rethel rode the horse to unload the last load of grain.
Aug 1898 sent letter to Rufus 22
Letter from F 26
Nice day but about 4 PM it looked like a shower but pleasant this eve. K
& Mary gone to prayer meeting. E, N & 4 children went Church quite
a number out. Mr Wms did not stop
Nice day to wash. I worked till 1/2 past 2 then I retired, feel better this
eve. Eddie been to Albion to see a Mr Baker about a Corn cutter &
Binder, then took lambs from Sheep & turned out 2 heifers. K cut &
made waist for Ruth & finished her dress.
23rd Nice day only sprinkled very little at noon. Eddie, N, K, S, Mary, Ruth, twins Rufus & Pearl & Annie & her boys, only 3, been down to K Garland's grove to a picnic. Good many there. Jo Reed went with a hayrack, our folks went with 2 teams. Ralph did'nt feel very well to night, & all are tired. Mr Wms was not put up 3 strings apples firstthere gone to __ to attend funeral of Mrs Philbrick she died with cancer, left 5 little children. I must go to bed as I did'nt sleep very well last night.
25th Cloudy, rained little in forenoon but E & N had a good afternoon to come home, got here about 6 while we were at tea table. I think pretty tired. E said he was & N looked as though she was. Pearl seemed glad to get home. Girls done work. I put up 8 strings apples & dressed Butter. am tired.
27th Another nice day. Eddie finished pulling & stacking his beans. then fixed water fence. K cooked & has gone down to Hattie's this eve. N, Mary & Ruth went to the Mills this afternoon. I have mended all day but feel tired.
Sent letter to Sue 29th got one 29th
Letter from F 3rd
Eddie went to factory with first load corn 3rd
29th Nice cool day to wash, wind blew & they are dry & in. as it looks like rain, Eddie & L dug 18 Bush" Potatoes very good but few in hill. K went out to Camp Meeting to China yes" with a young Woodcock. she has most made a blouse for Rufus. Stevie, M, Rufus, & Ralph, first time, went to school. Rethel was sick.
letters from Sue & Wm the 5th
Sept 1898
5th Nice day to wash clothes dry & in. K went to Watt this forenoon, got back about noon. E went with 1 load of corn.
Mr Wms
was at meeting last eve, but few out as we had a heavy thunder shower rained hard.
Stevie stopped rode down with Mr Wms after the shower. I must go to bed as I am tired.
Nice, but a very warm day. E went with 1 load corn Nell went over to Wm Clifford's & got Mrs H Brown & Joan L came too, but went home as D O was
going to the cars after Lettie. Mrs B stops to night. Rufus & both twins were sick last night vomiting. did not go to school.
7th Cloudy morn but cleared off. E went with 2 loads corn, After dinner N & K took Pearl went over sit for P's picture again got home about 5 They stopped at Stephen Abbots as there was quite a shower after tea N carried Mrs B & Lawrence to Mr Cliffords, as L hurt his arm fell off the horse.
8th Nice day little cooler. Eddie went
to Albion this morn to carry some pieces of Harvester. Afternoon went with
1 load Corn. Stevie did'nt pick corn as he was on the sick list & Eddie & Lib not very well. E said it was quite sickly in Albion. Nell
carried Neddie & Kate to Watt" this morn, they went to Lewiston to the State Fair. I have mended hose & put up 2 strings apples. dont feel very smart this eve. Will go to bed.
Bright. N went down got Kate she stopped with Miss Welch a girl that sewed with her. Then N carried her to Geo"
Eames as his wife is sick & she is going to help them a few days. I
Churned & took care of milk. I have not felt so unwell for 2 yrs or
more. If for the best, hope to feel better in morn. Will say "Not my will but thine O Lord be done". E went with 1 load corn. will go to
Nice day but quite cool. E went with 2 loads corn then went to Albion to
see Baker about cutting his corn fodder. Frank came home to night, all glad
to see him. I dressed Butter & mended. N cooked all day. Rufus Mary & Ruth sold Pumpkins come to 54 cts, small ones. I have felt better to day but not right.
Sept 1898
Nice day but quite cool. Kate came home to night said there was a frost up
to Mr Eames last night . had little fire in my room to day, Eddie , Frank, Mary, Stevie & Ruth went to Church. have been with absent friends to day
Mr Wms
did'nt stop this eve. Stevie gone up this eve, Ned went up to day. Eddie has been bringing Squashes Tomatoes & covering up things as it is cold enough for a frost & I
must go to bed.
Nice day to wash, quite cool Eddie &
L went to town meeting this afternoon, got home about 3. is getting in
Pumpkins as it is cold enough for a frost. Heard that Joseph Lunt had a
shock yesterday morn. E went to the corner said there were but 90 votes
cast in Benton and 60 of them were Republicans and there are 350 voters in town (very indifferent). Dunning Repub"
of Winslow had 110 Majority. must go to bed as I am quite lazy.
Another nice day. Libbens cleaned out Henhouse & Eddie sprayed it with
Kerosene & set some glass in it. I cleaned milk room out of kitchen & set milk in it at night.
(set milk out of kitchen)* F
went up got Kate. Ned came up & Will & Annie came down so all were
at home, as F goes in morn. late went we went to bed.
Nice day but quite cool. N carried F to the Depot at Benton this morn about 1/2 past 5. E carried K up to Mr Eames I washed some dishes & mended twins night dresses. N washed colored clothes, & cooked & ironed some. E fumigated hen house then he & L fixed fence, & got in his beans, must go to bed I am cold.
Cloudy morn, but been a bright day, but cool. E & L got in pumpkins in
forenoon. just after we got through dinner Mr Baker came, got him some
dinner & he went down to Mr Horn's. E had Mr Fish to help him fence in
afternoon as he wants to turn cows into the field.
16th It
has been a nice day till about 4 PM it clouded up & rained little. E
& L been fencing around the garden, turned cows in field to bait. Churned
& got dinner as Nell carried Belle James to Watt" about 1/2 past 10. she
is going down river on a visit. N has ironed colored clothes & cooked
some & to night she & E & Ned gone to the Grange. Eddie has'nt been since last winter. K
came down Frank was here, went back early this morn.
17th Nice day very warm. Mr Baker cut corn fodder, & they have got it all shucked. Warren Childs helped them this afternoon. Eddie went with Mr Baker up to Merritt Reeds, as Baker was not well & he wanted to cut Merritt's. Nell has cooked all day & Mary washed dishes & helped take care of Pearl, as Ruth has been sick all day & was last night. I took care of milk and mended hose. Twins 5 yrs old to day.* written in left margin
K got letter from Rufus 20th
sent letter to Rufus 22
I got letter from R 24th
Sept 1898
Very windy day. Clothes dry & in.
Pearl not very well been vomiting. Eddie & Stevie in morn got
Heifer home from Mr Coleman's pasture then got up sheep & lambs & marked them.
one sheep & one lamb missing. after dinner E & L began to
haul rocks to fix the bridge for the town & Stevie got 5 loads pumpkins in Express wagon is pretty tired went to bed
right after supper.
Nice day. Eddie & L hauled rocks. After school Stevie got a
load of Pumpkins, the last. Quite cool this eve. I churned & put up 2 strings apples & mended. K been sewing. N washed little
& cooked. Altho" busy I have thought often of H & absent
21st Very pleasant. E & L & Morill to work on rocks. Stevie Nell sent Box to F food went to mill in forenoon^then hauled few bushes put round apple trees. I mended some and put in a quilt, N helped me, quilted few lines. N making Tomato pickles & canning some. K helped but this afternoon gone up to Annie's. I feel tired; new work.
Dark rainy day. Eddie not very
well, up several times last night, but says he feels better. just at night
he rode up to Sue Crosby's. she said A could'nt keep anything down &
had'nt for 3 days & cant sleep. I hope Eddie will be better in morn. Churned then quilted. N been making jelly & canning. Think
she will be glad when she gets done. K sewed
Rained when I got up but cleared off & quite cold, had a fire in sitting room first time. Eddie been out some but dont feel
very smart. I hope he will feel better in morn. Heard that Augustine was'nt so well, had a consultation of Dr's Kate gone up to Maud Taylor's she has little company. girls done work & I have quilted, got it down on floor it makes me think of H.
Heavy frost last night & quite cold to day. 5 of the children went to
church. Eddie did'nt go not very well but he & I rode up to Sue
Crosby's. Augustine no better. Stevie
& K gone up to prayer meeting. Mr Wms stops Neddie rode up, said
Charles & Mr Getchell was camping out to the pond a few days. He &
Flo keep house.
sent letter to Nett 26th
Nice day to wash, warmer. about 4 to night Nell went to the Mills got
Pearls pictures, then got Joan & brought her over. Eddie, Morrill &
L been hauling rocks. While writing, Mary came in said Frank had come to
stay a week or more, has the Sciatic Rheumatism. Eddie been to the corner
saw Dr Byron Crosby; brother of Augustine. He said A more comfortable this
eve but did'nt know how he would be through the night
Nice day but quite cool this eve, rained when I got up but cleared away so Eddie & Morrill hauled rocks this
afternoon. Lib not very well, Joan
& I quilted, N ironed & cooked, K helped. Mrs Roscoe Heywoods
daughter came here this afternoon. gone over to Town hall to a sociable
with Kate & Frank. Heard that Augustine was more comfortable.
Beautiful day. Eddie, Morrill & L been hauling rocks. Joan & I
quilted in forenoon, afternoon went to Sybil Paine's funeral went to bed as
well as usual died in a short time, very sudden she told Lucy (her daughter) she felt cold took a brush & brushed
herself and died before her son got into the room. Augustine died about 2
this afternoon. I rode up when I got home from the funeral; poor Sue, I
pity her, can sympathize with her. Must go to bed.
Another beautiful day. Eddie, Morrill & Lib hauled rocks. Churned & we got quilt out & put in lining for another. Bright eve Eddie, N, & Joan took a walk down to the bridge & I am going
to bed for I am weary.
Nice day for funeral of Augustine. Eddie, N, Joan, Frank & I went. Mr Wms read & offered prayer, quite a number there, was buried in what was called
Smiley burying ground. think there were 23 teams in the procession. Robbie not very well. in afternoon
Nell, Ruth, Pearl carried Joan over home & K went to Mr Blakeny's, left me alone to keep house &quilt. Morrill & Lib worked all day on rocks, Eddie 1/2 day & went to funeral
Oct 1st
Very warm day. E, M & L on bridge.
I quilted all day N & Mary done work, & just at night N & Pearl went out to Palmer's got some yarn,
as she is spinning some. 26 yrs ago to day Mother fell asleep in Jesus -
what changes since then
Beautiful day not quite as warm as yes" E, N & 6 children went to
church good number out. Mr Wms, wife & Nathan were here to tea. F & K gone this eve not many out Marcia
Lunt led the meeting as Jo" Reed is lame was thrown from a Byale
got letter from Sue to night Oct 3
sent one to sue in morn " 3
Oct 1898 picture of Edith Burnham the 10th
Cloudy morn rained little at 5 but has been a very warm day E, M & L
worked on rocks girls done work sewed
& ironed little after taking care of milk milk & butter I have
quilted . Mary has'nt been to school, had head ache & Stevie has summer
5th Cloudy morn, began to rain little at noon. In morn F went over got Joan as she wrote me she would come over & help me get out my quilt. Eddie M & L worked on rocks in forenoon & after dinner till most 2 then it rained hard. Morrill & L threshed beans after they came up, & E & F went to Albion.
Beautiful day. We got quilt out. N done work K sewed on dress for Ruth. F fixed Pump in kitchen & cleaned sewing Machine. Stevie
went to Mill. Eddie, M & L worked on rocks. E had C Thomas split rocks. J
Hodges girl died this morn about___yrs old hope it will not spread but we know not what a day will bring forth. how much I have thought of H to day - I feel I am one day nearer home
7th Another nice day. Eddie, M & L hauled rocks F & K went to K F got a lounge gave 7.00 Mills & Watt in forenoon got back about 2 PM. Heard that more were sick at J Hodges, if it is for the best hope they will get better. N done work, K sewed, Joan & I quilted
9th Nice
bright day but quite cool. Eddie, N & 6 children went to Church. Mr French exchanged with Mr Wms as he & Mrs Wms went to
Bangor Thursday to a Musical Convention. Neddie came up last night stopped
till this afternoon, after meeting Nellie went over with Joan as she wanted to get some things
10th Nice day to wash N & K washed & done work Joan & I quilted Ned here to dinnerEddie, M & L worked on bridge. E came up with Mr Brann a little while. Heard that James Hodges was sick. F went in forenoon gunning then went to Watt". tis cold will go to bed.
Oct 1898
Rained little when I got up, but Eddie & Lib worked on rocks. before noon sun shone & Morrill came worked 1/2
day. school did'nt keep as teacher went to Clinton to a Grange meeting. F & Bert Reed have gone. K cut
Mary's dress, got Ruth's done. Heard that Mrs Hodgdon (Augustine C's
sister) was buried to day not two weeks since he was buried. She was Fred
Lancaster's mother
13 Summer like day. Eddie, M & L got in corn fodder
in forenoon then in afternoon worked on bridge: Joan & I quilted, K
sewed & N maid of all work. guess all are tired I am
Another nice day. Eddie got in load of corn fodder, last then plowed Morrill & L cut brush & wood side of road in upper field. got Joan's quilt out at noon. After
dinner F carried her to China & I put in a comforter & began to tack it. K
sewed on M's dress N cooked. I have thought so much of H this afternoon it
being the anniversary of his Birth day 78 yrs ago. What changes!
15th Rainy day. Thet E & boys took
care of Snap Corn & worked round Barn in forenoon, after dinner E & F went to K Mills Nell has cooked & put up Tomatoes. K
sewed. I got out comforter in eve am
glad for I am tired. Eddie bought a rooster gave a dollar for it over to
the Mills
Bright morn, quite cool & windy. Eddie carried F to Watt" this
morn, he took the 10 o'clock train for Augusta. I hope they will be mustered out soon as it is cold. Mr
& Mrs Wms took tea with us. Nell & 5 children went to
Church, Eddie has a stiff neck, did not go Stevie & K went in eve
Nice day to wash, wind blew quite hard. Eddie got horses shod & plowed in forenoon. after dinner plowed Morrill & L cut brush in
forenoon afternoon they cut wood, burnt brush at Bridge Mr Wms took his colt home, been here in pasture. he
had been to attend the funeral of Laurette Emery at Poor house
18th Nice day K carried her mother & Pearl down to Mr Wms then K went to Watt", got home most 1 oclock. Rufus went after his mother to night he has quite a cold. Nell saw Neddie said he was most sick. Morrill & L hauled up little wood from Bridge, then hauled out dressing. Mr Caslin helped E lay floor in stable Churned & done some work & mended K ironed some to night 45 yrs ago to day my Father was buried Eddie was 3 yrs old What changes
Letter from Sue 21st Oct also one from Rufus
Nell got letter from F 24 Sent letter to Fannie B 24
Rained last night. Cloudy & misty in morn cleared away before 10 &
Nell carried me up to Sue Crosby's. after school Stevie came after me. Martha Lunt called to Sue's. Eddie plowed & hauled dressing. Mr
Cain been here 3 days got done, fixed roof between house & shed, & fixed Stable hope I shall sleep to night did not last night
Cloudy & some misty but Eddie plowed & Ned helped him with Charles Wms's
team breaking up in the pasture where they hauled rocks for Bridge; Morrill & L picked rocks as they plowed N cooked & I mended
Rainy day. Cistern most full. This morn Pearl had a very sore mouth &
Nell said there white patches round, so Eddie went to Watt & as Knox
& Goodrich were both away, he got Dr Bessey. Nell has gone up stairs
with P. Dr thought P better be kept from other children. Mr Bellows buried a boy yesterday with Diptheria & we feel anxious about P.
Nice day quite warm but cooler this eve. none went to Church but Stevie. but Dr was up says it is not Diptheria but Tonsilitis. P
seems better. Eddie & Ned carried F to Watt" this morn as he came home last night, thinks they shall go to
Atlanta this week
24th Another nice day. we washed part of
the clothes. N being up stairs with P she came down when P was asleep &
helped Eddie plowed & Ned with C Wms's team. Morrill & L dug rocks. Stella Thomas called. will go to bed as I am very tired
Cloudy, foggy morn but cleared off & it is a beautiful eve Eddie,
Stevie & Mary gone to Roscoe Heywood's to a Sociable. Nell brought P
down stairs to night. I am tired & sleepy. P was very glad to get down stairs
Cloudy morn but they plowed rained little before noon then sun shone little
while. they worked till most 4 then it rained & they came up. Morrill helped. Eddie, Ned Stevie
& Mary went over to Roscoe's they had a house full, E thought there were 150. Coll"
about 12 dollars had a good time got home about 12 think E is pretty tired
to night P seems better hope she will continue.
27th Cloudy morn, but E plowed, Morrill came at noon & he & Lib fixed fence. Churned, washed dishes & mended hose. N cooked & finished ironing Ned called up this eve. P is better
school closed the 28th Oct 1898
Beautiful day, little cooler this eve. Eddie plowed. Morrill & L cut out wood from brush & piled up brush. Mr Blaisdel from Oakland
came to day with the posts for monument & I am glad so it will be done. have
thought would Hanes approve of it? If any one needs one he does
Nice morn, but clouded up Eddie & Rufus went to Oakland & got the Base to the monument E said it weighs 1 1/2
ton. got home before dark. was
glad to see him. I washed dishes in morn then lined & bound a rug &
cut a kettle of apples for sauce. N has cooked. Stevie & Lib piled brush in forenoon
then pulled what turnips & Beets we had. heard that Mr Hodgkins died
last night Ned went down after Kate was going to stop at school house over
the river to an entertainment by school
Cloudy Eddie, N & 4 children went to church but few out. Ned carried
Kate to Watt" after tea, she likes very well none but Stevie gone this
eve. Libbens has quite a cold I
have been with friends to day who are at rest
Sunshine & clouds. we washed. E
& N went to the funeral of Mr Hodgkins at 11 AM he was buried at Albion. Mr
Blaisdel came & set the Base, was here to dinner. Morrill helped him
then they hauled dressing: got a card from F he was in Boston the 29th hope he will be well, was going to
take boat for N Y
Nov 1st
Beautiful day. Threshers came this morn.
Mr Denico & Perley Brown's son, & Eddie had Morrill, W Childs, & Roundy Lib not very well & he wanted to keep straw in Barn. I have mended most all day. N &
Mary done work & ironed some
2nd Nice
day, & they finished threshing abot 11 AM, took dinner & left& am glad tis done, think E is too, had 68 Bush
Barley, very nice, 93 of oats, & 57 Oats & Peas. afternoon E,
Morrill & L hauled straw from under Barn. I have mended all day N &
M cooked & done work. 2yrs ago to night about this time, dear Hanes
entered the Spirit Land: at Rest, blessed thought
Beautiful day. E, Morrill & L got up rest of straw in forenoon then burnt brush by upper field. N & M done work & washed. I
have mended all day. Dora & Fannie called I was glad to see them, for I am lonely, dont have any one to talk with as Nell
is busy all the time I miss H so much
4th Beautiful day. a great contrast with 2 yrs ago to day when my best friend on Earth was laid in his narrow home when it rained hard, a day never to be forgotten by me: Eddie had Mr McCaslin fixing lot in Cemetary. Morrill & L helped him haul Sods & earth but did'nt finish. I have Churned & mended. N & M done work. Mrs Nutter & children called a few hours. Stevie gone to C E meeting; as he builds fires.
Sent Letter to Wm 8 got letter from
also one to Amanda G Hunt's wife 8th
" " to Mr Blaisdel letter from F in Georgia 8th Nov 1898
Cloudy morn but cleared away & they all worked on lot in forenoon the Mr Mc
finished in afternoon. Eddie went to Mills carried Box Butter to Depot. Morrill L & Stevie plowed down in pasture
N & M done work & I have mended all day. E gone after K,
Mary went
6th Rainey lonesome day. Eddie, N, K, M, Rufus & Stevie went up to church but Mr Wms did'nt come up. little before 4 PM Stevie & Ruth carried K to Watt it did'nt rain & about 5 the sun shone out bright I have written to Amanda & Wm
[sent Blaisdel's on 6th ]*
Another nice day. E has plowed. J Warren & 2 men were here to dinner. had a Harrow
& seed sower combined. E bought one is to pay for it a year from this
time, but one man wants to board here some. letter from Frank he was in Savannah Georgia, was well. I
ironed some, worked on dishes & knit little Nell cleaned up stairs front chamber & hall
9th Nice
warm day. N cleaned in forenoon, after dinner she & Ruth & Mary went to the Mills got some shoes. Churned, washed dishes & mended. E
plowed. L worked on Bridge, Ned did also with C's team, was here to dinner. Stevie done chores & burnt some Brush upon hill. got letter from Oldtown saying that Amanda was at the foot of stairs waiting for
Lawrence. he came down, threw his arms around her neck to kiss her &
she fell broke her hip & her arm at wrist hit the table & broke one bone at the wrist, six weeks ago wish I
could see her & wait on her, the first thought was, if H was living , he would go right over
Cloudy morn, began to snow little about 9 AM & has all day & does this eve.
E says 4 or 5 inches has fallen, ground not frozen. Neddie worked on
bridge was here to dinner, so did L I have mended Ned's old coat &
drawers for Eddie. N set a square of glass by the sink & cleaned some
in her bedroom. I am sleepy
Cloudy most all day, rained last night. 2 men took dinner with us. I was
weighed to day, only 180 lbs, Nell 102. I have mended most all day. N cooked, swept & cleaned some. "busy
day. E been separating & marking lambs & got them under barn
Nice day E & L hauled up little wood cut by side of road N has
cooked & washed floors & Mary & Ruth been busy I have mended cloaks & coats & feel quite tired. E
gone after Kate. Stevie, Rufus & L gone to corner to an entertainment by the school, then a sociable I must go to bed
* [written in left margin]
sent letter to Sue 15th school began kept by student,
Nov 1898 also one to G Hunt's wife boards at A Hodges, Nov 14
N got letter from F 17th Letter from Asenath Nov 17
14th Cloudy, rained little. washed white
clothes in tubs Eddie & L have plowed. I am sleepy will go to bed
Quite cold. I hung out white clothes & my fingers tingled. will iron
few things. N washed rest of clothes.
after dinner E carried me over to Joans found her not very well staid all night
Cloudy morn, but a beautiful day. Mr B & wife went away so Joan & I
were alone, but Joan has dizzy spells. I parsuaded her to have a Dr. she sent for Dr Robinson, he thinks he can help her was glad I went over. Eddie came
after me at night . was glad to get home.
we did'nt sleep much last night 2 men were here to dinner the Harrow
Cloudy. I mended. after dinner Nell & Pearl went up to Annie's & Eddie went up to tea got home about
9 E plowed garden & hauled some gravel for Barn doors
Cloudy & rained some. E went to the Mills then worked round Barn N has worked & I have mended. Nell
got letter from F he is well said about 12000 troops marched in review before Gen" Lee
Dark rainy day. Eddie round barn in morn then he & Nell have been
setting glass. N wiped doors in sitting room & windows outside then
helped E. I have mended Marys dress & hose. John Crosby called with his brother Henry from California It
has been 12 yrs since he was here. his sister who had been a dressmaker in Boston good many yrs, went to Montana to
visit her brother George, then to Cal" she had a cancer went to the
Hospital, was there 7 weeks. Dr thought till a short time before she died
she would get up again Henry brought her on to Boston & she was buried
Nice day, not very cold but quite windy. cooler this eve. Eddie & 4 children went to Church. Stevie
gone this eve. Mr Williams stops. have thought of H very often
to day
21st Nice day to wash. Rufus nor twins have'nt been to school as twins had a cold & R is sick, & Stevie did'nt want any supper. & carried a Box to Depot for F hope they will be better in morn. Eddie went^to mill in forenoon then he & L plowed. heard that Fred Hodgkins wife was very low, been raising blood. Must go to bed
Letter from G Hunt with check 25th
Nice warm day. Eddie & Mr Towsend went down sold 1 to Scott Drummond & took Eddie's Mr T here to dinner Eddie settled with Scott for work on
Bridge it amounted to then he went & paid his tax & got Kate. did
not get home till 1/2 past 8 must go to bed K got letter from F
Thanksgiving day and I have tried to be thankful for the many mercies that I receive daily, but my mind wanders back to
bygone days, when Hanes & Father offered thanks to our Heavenly Father for the many blessings during the year, and O
may I be more watchful & prayerful is my daily prayer - Eddie & L
plowed in forenoon & Nell had a good dinner Chicken Pie & everything to go with it. - afternoon Henrietta &
Eliza Barton called. Eddie carried K to the Mills & she went down on
cars Frank writes he has gained 13 lbs since he left Augusta
Nice day, but is colder. E & L has plowed but says he thinks it will be frozen hard in morn. Churned & mended
Neddies frock. N done work & wiped in sitting room. Pearl has quite a cold
Bright day, not quite as cold as last night . Eddie put on double windows,
swept store house & put in plows & Harrows & brought in part of Bees into cellar & to night gone to the
Fort Grange going to see about building sheds for horses. Libbens has had headache & Stevie not very smart. I have mended hose, swept my room washed some dishes. N & girls done work. N washed
double windows. Pearl did"nt sleep very well last night
Sabbath day,and a stormy windy one E said when he came in from Barn it snowed hard but the wind blows it all around
Neddie have lived in the past
came home with his father , so has been at home to day
gone down to night Pearl seems better guess I will go to bed it has been a long day
28th Wind blew very hard last night & snowed & it has to day but it is all in heaps. E carried children to school in wagon but went after them with a sled washed white clothes in tubs & stockings Lib helped at barn some , not very smart. Ralph is complaining to night , has headache P is better. I am very tired will go to bed
29th Sunshine & clouds. finished washing, clothes all in. last night about 6 Mr Townsend, Harrow men came stopped all night. E & L shoveled on road in forenoon then got load of stocks & hauled dressing. guess all are tired
Paper from F 2nd
sent letters to Amanda & Rufus 5th
Letter from F 7th N sent letter to F 8
Letter from Frank 30th
Nov" 1898 Letter from Sue 6th
Cloudy not very cold. Mr C Wood killed a hog. E helped then chored & hauled dressing.
Morrill & L been hauling all day. N done work & finished
cleaning kitchen. I have been mending cotton hose to put away. This is Rufus Birth day
Dec 1st
Nice day not very cold. E went over with his hog sold it to weight 380 lbs got
cts a lb. Morrill & L hauled dressing. E carried Sleigh up to Palmers. Scribner is going to paint it. N has cooked & ironed . I
mended hose & S coat. I have been reading some account of the storm
last Sunday but I must stop & go to bed as I did'nt sleep very well last night
Beautiful day E, M & L hauled dressing. I have mended & put up
some old pants. George Winn called a short time starts for Boston
tomorrow stops with Alice 2 days is going to stop at Wilmers on his way
home he is 74 yrs old & Susan his wife 68 E & Ned gone to Grange.
3rd Nice
day not very cold. E. M & L hauled dressing. M worked only 1/2 day, he is done. I
dressed Butter & mended N & girls cooked. Mr Wms was up to the C E meeting
last night
Another nice day. E, N & 5 children went to church Katie came up last
night & E carried her back to night. I have read & thought of the past. 3
yrs ago this eve Hanes & I had been married 50 yrs. we spent the day with Anna. When we got home about twilight found the house lighted up & Mr & Mrs Wms & few others here soon they
began to come in about 140 came had a Picnic supper a great surprise to H & myself. Mr
Wms stops this eve none went but Stevie
Stormy day, snow & rain, wind blew very hard last night. washed clothes
in tubs, E & L shoveled out henhouse
Amos Hinds called to night to see about a record I have of the Hinds family.
This is my Birth day 76 yrs old can it be that I am most 4 yrs older than Mother was when she died. It seems like a dream. H was 76
& 19 days old when he died
Beautiful day. I put out white clothes & N finished, then I mended E went to the Fort worked on horse sheds in afternoon in eve he & Nell went to a sociable in Hall.
we did not get to bed till 1/2 past 4
Another nice day, & E said to me why not go down to C Warrens. after
dinner I went stopped till eve I had not been in since I went with H E went
to Fort to work on sheds
8th Beautiful day. Eddie & N got breakfast. E called me at six I was dressing, was up at 4 went to Sleep again Eddie has been to the Fort to work on sheds N done work ironed colored clothes & colored Ruth's stockings & some mittens black. I have mended hose & mittens & washed some dishes
Letter from F 9th Dec 1898
" from Sue 12
Letter from F with his picture 14
Eddie got letter from Eugene Smith 13th saying
that his Brother Edwin was dead, sick only 2 days
Another nice day. Eddie been at the Fort.
they have got their shed all shingled; Nell & Stevie been to Watt" shopping Mary & I got along with work very well. K did'nt come up heard that Jonathon Abbott was very
sick at Mrs Palmer's
11th Nice day, seems little cooler this eve. Eddie,
N & 5 children went to Church, twins went. Neddie came up N said Mr Wms had a temperance sermon & a plain
one I have written few lines to F & read
feel tired
12th Sunshine & clouds. snows little
this eve N & I washed & done work. I am tired if N is'nt. Eddie carried grist to mill &
got horses sharpened. must go to bed as I am sleepy
Snowed little last night, quite cold this eve. Churned hemmed a table cloth
& began an apron N done work & cleaned in butry. E & L hauled dressing to upper field. This
is Wm's Birth day 80 yrs old - I have thought so much of H to day
Cold. a very cold morn 30 below Zero at mill this morn E & L hauling dressing G Abbott
was here to dinner, N done work & ironed some I have mended hose & mittens, Mr
Witham gave E a dog It has been a long lonesome day to me
Cloudy in morn, but has been a beautiful day. E & L hauled dressing. Ned & his mother been to Watt shopping
Ned got him a trunk gave 5.00: N got few things for Christmas I done
the work & twins helped take care of Pearl
Sunshine & clouds. Eddie went down to F Ellis in morn Churned, then Ned & L hauled dressing.
this eve E & Ned gone to the Grange
Warmer, trees covered with frost in morn. E & L hauling D heard that Johnathon Abbott died
last night at Mrs Palmers just as Augustine Crosby did, could'nt keep anything down N has cooked all day. I helped some & mended
overcoat for Stevie. Mary & Ruth went up to Marcia Lunt's to rehearse
for Christmas in afternoon. Ned has a lame shoulder. Rheumatism I think
18th Sunshine & clouds, quite warm E & N & 4 children went to Church. Mr Wms stops this eve. Stevie went as Ned is lame. E carried K to Watt". In forenoon E & N went to funeral of G Abbott
sent letters to Sue & Frank 19th also Box to F
N got letter from F also little Box
sent gloves to F, got letter from him
Dec 1898 Letter from Asenath 23
Letter from F also some Pictures of himself 26
19th Beautiful day to wash & N packed a Box for F.
E & L hauled dressing. school
did'nt keep. I helped wash. N
packed Box
20th It
has snowed little to day. Mr Wood killed a hog. E helped him, weighed 360. then E & L got out 2 loads dressing N
done work, washed little. I began to make a skirt for myself heard that a little boy of Fred Reeds, very sick
Mild, cloudy part of day. this eve rains little. E in forenoon cut up hog, then hauled dressing.
Ned & L did in forenoon done worked & ironed little. I
washed dishes & finished my skirt must go to bed as I did'nt sleep very well last night
Warm foggy day. They finished getting out dressing at noon & fixed up
under barn. after dinner E & N went to the Mills I mended hose &
mittens & washed dishes & knit some: feel tired. Eddie is salting
his Pork this eve - Ned hauled wood for Mr Coleman 1/2 day
Nice day. Eddie went to Clinton, carried a Heater & got 2axes of Billings. Mr
Bowden & a Mr Kimball took dinner here had 3 horses, left 2 for few days. N cooked & done work I mended took care of butter we churned.
E & N went to Grange. Stevie went up on other side at Chapel,
they had Christmas tree I am sleepy
Another nice day. as usual I took care of milk & hens & mended
little. swept my room, N cooled in forenoon, has had headache. went to bed
before noon has'nt sit up any Ned & Mary gone to Fuller schoolhouse to Christmas tree going down get
Nice day. Christmas. As N was'nt very well E did not go to Church, but K,
Ned, Stevie , Rufus, Mary & Ruth went. said quite a number out. K, Ned & S gone this eve. It is a beautiful eve, as Katie used to say, too pretty to stay in the house. Must go to bed, not stop to think
26th Another nice day but little cloudy this eve N went out this afternoon to get something for Mr Wms as they have a tree at the church this eve. N heard that Joan was sick in bed. Eddie & N cut wood by the fence in little orchard. all went up to the church but Eddie Pearl & I. they got about 15.00 for Mr Wms the Church was full. Mary, Rufus & Ruth spoke, all pleased with their Presents. I had Print for dress & 2 Hank". Stevie a watch & Ned a chain. Mary, Rufus & Ruth had books & other things. K & Ned got their Mother a cape, Eddie overall & vest. twins had shovels & slippers & lots. F sent Pearl silver knife, fork & spoon
N sent letter to F 30th & I sent one 2nd of Jan" 1899
N " to F Jan 4th
28 another letter from F said he & Sam Jackins
went to Church on Christmas had a good sermon
Dec 1898 also sent 2 roses 1 to his mother 1 to me I pray he may be a good boy
little snow & sunshine. Mr D & K left this morn, left 2 horses. Eddie winters 2 horses for them at
a month. - N cooked & cleaned coolers & shelves. I mended. E
& boys cut wood. E has a stich in back.
I have thought of H all day it seems like a dream
Cloudy all day, snowed little Eddie & boys cutting wood N has cooked & ironed some. I
made waists for twins, put sleeves in L's shirt & mended. Mary went up
to Annie's about 11 got home about 4. I have got the cramp in my foot must
go to bed
Cloudy most all day. E & boys cut wood & churned. S gone up to C E
meeting. I took care of Butter & milk & mended little find I get
tired if I dont do much. N cooked & made head cheese& fixed Ruths
dress. did'nt sleep well last night will go to bed
31st The
last day of the year, cloudy all day, snowed little & does this eve. E
& boys cut wood. N has cooked I
have mended mittens & hose Eddie gone down to get Kate she is done for